Do you have a concern you would like us to join you in prayer for? You may share your request with us by filling out the submission form.
Our Prayer Ministry Team will pray over each and every request!
If you you wish to make the request public be sure to check the "Make Public" check box. This will allow others to also pray for your request. If you do not want your request to be public, simply set this option to "No" and it will only be viewed by our prayer team.
We reserve the right to not publish some requests. Requests that are too graphic or identify other people through the information or circumstances may be edited before posting for the public or not posted at all.
Name | Date | Category | Title | Request |
Testor | September 17, 2018 | Comfort | This is a Test | Help! |
Testor3 Bigman | September 18, 2018 | Fear | Will this work? | This is a third test. will it work? dsadjflk dlf as lfalf asf lsd aslfadf asl fjalsdf alsf aslfj asdlkf as ldfasadf aslf |
Testor4 Nobody | September 17, 2018 | Forgiveness | I Need Some | This is a test request for forgiveness |
Femmy Mcadams | January 10, 2019 | Healing | Family illness | After the recent tsunami in Indonesia, due a airborne virus, my wife's grandchildren Tanya and Angel and their father Jilly I've been sick with this virus. My wife and me is requesting that the prayer team will pray for her family mentioned, and that the prayer team can make public so that all others can pray as well. Thank you so much for your prayers God bless you all Jim and femi McAdams |